I was crossing Times Square last night and took this photo because I have no plans to be here on New Year's Eve. With the weather being so mild, it may be tempting but still no. I did celebrate New Year's Eve in London a couple of years ago with fireworks on the Thames across from the London eye. Great evening but the huge crowd was unbelievable.
The word "renewal" in our business often represents lots of work and deadlines. But I also look at the New Year as an opportunity to renew oneself physically, spiritually and intellectually. The trick is to keep the policy in force for the remainder of the year.
One of my plans to is publish this weblog but where it goes is really up to you. I have no problem posting without receiving any comments. It allows me to transfer information to you personally and bypass official distributions. So whether this blog becomes interactive or not will depend upon your desire to post comments. So I hope to be hearing from you.