Sometimes innovation comes about by transferring ideas between domains. Picasso is supposed to have said “Good artists copy, great artists steal”, but what he actually said was “When there's anything to steal, I steal” – which I think is much more useful. It goes along with not reinventing the wheel. Maybe the guy next door has a better wheel you can steal.
If you're advocating data standards or managing their implementation, you could steal the word “Story” from the health standards community. The Health Story project has been running for almost a decade now and has produced several important data standards which improve interoperability across the healthcare system. HIMSS, who look after the project, are working toward “Comprehensive electronic records that tell a patient's complete health story.” This goal has analogs in every area of endeavor.
Are you in a retail business? Then you're dealing with the story widely known as the customer journey. If you're in industry, your story is likely to be about the supply chain. In government, you'd be concerned with the rights and needs of the citizen – the story of everybody's life.
Thinking in terms of stories helps people appreciate the systemic nature of today's challenges. Stories help to make complexity manageable and to keep goals in sight. Above all, stories humanize activities that can all too easily become mechanical, hidebound, and inflexible processes. Health Story