I'm interested to see Deloitte's John Lucker using the phrase IDO, or insight driven organization, when talking about the future for analytics. He makes a useful distinction between the data driven organization, which everyone has been busy trying to build, and the insight driven organization – which is what they really need.
He identifies a set of components that need to be in place before the IDO is realized. The headline is about being a joined-up organization. He says “IDOs have a solution that connects successes across the enterprise” and “the insight-driven culture values a single version of the truth”. Lucker's model is an important perspective for decision makers and business leaders. It will help them analyze their investments and processes with greater clarity. Many technology disappointments could be avoided if managers asked themselves whether a project is serving data centricity or insight centricity.
Yes, data is the stuff we're dealing with. But insight is the reason we're dealing with it. Data Informed