Here is a copy of a Press Release translated from Russian.
The representatives of Russian insurance companies signed
today a “memorandum about the cooperation of participants in the Russian
insurance market and ACORD.
Memorandum attaches the intentions of sides on interaction
for purposes of the introduction of standards and the best world practitioner
in the Russian insurance branch. Signing took place within the framework
the round table “OF ACORD in Russia”, organized BY ANES “the technologies of
the insurance market” and for the dedicated to questions creation of favorable
environment for the development of insurance technologies in Russia, and also
to advance of the ideas, which facilitate an increase in the insurance market
and an increase in his [tsivilizovannosti].
“The signing of memorandum has for us enormous value, since initiates the
process of the appearance in Russia of the international insurance standards,
the need for which is dictated by the development of the market for insurance
services, stated Igor [Khromov], leader of the committee ANE „of the technology
of insurance market “on the business processes and the standards. - Especially
urgent this becomes in connection with the introduction of Russia in [VTO].
Analogous process on the market for bank services in its time led to the
appearance in Russia of an international bank standard SWIFT”.
The introduction of standards ACORD will contribute to an increase in general
[tsivilizovannosti] of the market for insurance services, to the essential
reduction of the operating expenses of participants in the market, to an
improvement in the quality of business processes, to an increase in their
competitive ability, including with respect to the external players, who
accomplish expansion for the Russian market.
“If the important players of insurance business in Russia form the consolidated
position and will be obtained the support of regulatory organs, then it is
possible boldly to design for the maximum complete and rapid introduction of
the standards of the description of business processes, formats of exchange of
data carriers and utilized documents, noted It [pyunit] [Baral] (Puneet Of
bharal), head of [konsaltingovogo] subdivision ACORD on Great Britain and
Europe. - Having moreover, spent very modest resources, entire market will
obtain the possibility to use results of long-standing efforts for the
improvement of the business processes of the chief players of world insurance
ACORD is the global non-commercial association of insurers, into tasks of which
enters the assistance to development and to the use of standards in the region
of insurance, [perestrakhovaniya] and the financial branches connected with
them. Services ACORD use hundreds of companies, which carry out insurance and
[perestrakhovaniem], and also thousand agents and brokers, different
organizations of financial sphere, the suppliers of software and different
branch organizations in the entire world.
Autonomous nonprofit organization “technologies of insurance market” ([ANK] “OF
[TSR]”) is formed in 2012. By its mission [ANK] “OF [TSR]” proclaims creation
on the Russian insurance market for the [mediynoy] structure, which moves the
ideas, which facilitate an increase in the market and an increase in its
[tsivilizovannosti], which consolidates the interests of its chief players.
Questions of the standardization of insurance activity will become one of the
basic directions of the activity of organization to the near period. Investfunds