Some research figures for the benefits of data standards in the health care industry:
“To assess perceived and actual benefits of implementing a data standards system within their organization, all survey respondents were given a set of supply chain performance indicators and asked to indicate observed and/or potential impacts of data standardization on these indicators. The most frequently observed supply chain performance improvements attributed to data standardization are: improved product tracking through the supply chain (36 percent), increased collaboration/partnering with other members of their supply chain (33 percent), and decreased cost/increased efficiency of contract management and administration (31 percent).
“The most common potential benefits of data standardization include: achieving higher quality metric targets for your organization’s supply chain (69 percent), defining more effective quality metrics for supply chain performance (65 percent), decreasing labor costs associated with purchasing including rework (64 percent), decreasing cost/increasing efficiency of contract management and administration (63 percent) and increasing patient safety (63 percent).” Industry Take on Standards